Nosso programa é um serviço profissional para a indústria financeira, nossos ratos estão sendo treinados para se tornarem negociantes superiores nos mercados financeiros. Utilizando metodologia própria, de acordo com técnicas bem estabelecidas de treinamento animal, nossos sujeitos aprendem a reconhecer padrões financeiros e dados futuros, bem como gerar sinais de negociação.
RATTRADERS - Os ratos podem ser treinados exclusivamente para qualquer segmento do mercado financeiro. Eles superam os negociadores humanos e representam uma solução muito mais econômica para sua mesa de negociação.
The following text and pictures illustrate the methodology involved in training laboratory standard rats in trading in the foreign exchange and commodity futures markets.
The first step is the transformation of price data into sound, so called ticker tracks. We use tick data from various futures and foreign exchange markets in order to generate sound in accordance to the real time price data. The relevant literature indicates that rats especially respond to piano sounds, so we are using these as a base for the ticker tracks. The Sonification Software is provided by the School of Psychology at the Gerorgia Institute of Technology.
Rattraders in the laboratory.
Rattraders in the laboratory.
The sound is modulated in correlation to the price movement: if the price goes up, the pitch goes up as well, always depending on how strong the up-movement had been. When prices drop, the following sound's pitch is reduced depending on how strong the price has fallen. Always in regard to how long it took for the next trade to happen (time between trades can vary between 1 second and 1 minute occasionally), I used different kinds of piano modulations. After some tests, we found that our probands reacted best to 25 price ticks or sounds, so one track was to take 10 to 20 seconds accordingly, depending on the market movements.
The following illustrations show some of the charts and historic real time data used; the viewer might also get an impression of what the sound files looked like.
This way we were able to listen to the Sound of Futures Markets. Keep in mind that the data used are only tick data, representing only the last 3 digits of the futures quote.
Financial data such as these are turned into sound for the rats´s training units.
EUR/USD FUTURE MAY22nd 2006 15:22
EUR/USD FUTURE SEP01nd 2006 10:42
EUR/USD FUTURE SEP09nd 2006 11:01
EUR/USD FUTURE FEB12 2007 08:20
week 2 training without sound, only get used to the skinner box
week 3 to 12 training with historic ticker tracks
week 13 selection of the best trading rats
week 14 to 22 training with historic ticker tracks
We are continuously crossing the best trading rats with each other in order to breed specialists in various markets for our clients. The second generation of top traders ususally shows a much better performance compared to their parents.